Sunday, April 19, 2015

This is the week that all 11th grade students will be completing state testing in reading and writing. Testing will take place on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. All 11th graders will need to be present to begin testing at 9:05 AM on Wednesday and 8:25 AM on Thursday. Students with late arrivals have been contacted and have been informed that they will need to be at school at these times both days. In addition a letter was mailed home to parents indicating this as well. Students who have classes during the first two periods of each day will be excused from them to complete testing. The test is called Smarter Balanced and passing either the test or local work samples is a requirement to receive a high school diploma in the state of Oregon. State testing in math will take place May 18th and 19th and will follow the same format of testing during the first two periods of each day.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Students in grades 8-11 are scheduling for classes for next year, this week. Students will submit their class requests by entering them on the computer using their synergy account. This will be done in their science classes. Teachers, counselor and technology staff will be on hand to assist them in selecting courses. Once all requests are submitted, the computer schedules the students into classes. Once that is done we run reports to see that all students have full schedules and that class sizes are acceptable. When this is complete, we print and mail schedules home. We hope to mail them home in June with the report cards. At the latest, they would be mailed home in August with the back-to-school mailing.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

This week students will be testing in science. All sophomores and juniors who either have not tested or those who have not met will have an opportunity to take the test. They will take the test during their science classes. In addition to science testing we will also be handing out scheduling materials for next year to 8th-11th graders. Curriculum guides will be provided to each student in the above grades. During the week of April 20-24 students will select their courses for next year by logging into their synergy account and selecting them. Parents should plan to review course selections with their student this week.