Sunday, February 22, 2015

We have a big week ahead in sports. We host a league basketball playoff game for our girls team on Tuesday night. We also host a boys (not Banks) league playoff game on Tuesday so two games Tuesday night. If our girls win on Tuesday night they will have a state play-in game either Friday or Saturday night. If they win Tuesday it will be at home. A loss Tuesday puts them on the road. We have 7 wrestlers going to the state wrestling meet at the memorial coliseum in Portland. The meet starts Friday morning and concludes Saturday night. Spring sports are just around the corner and start in a week.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Senior students who are seeking the Honors Diploma need to submit a community service verification form in order to ensure that they have fulfilled all of the requirements for the Honors Diploma. These forms are in the main office. A minimum of 60 hours of community service must be completed prior to receiving an Honors Diploma. In addition all of the other requirements must also be met, verifying community service hours is generally the last step in the process. Freshman, sophomore and junior students who plan to receive an Honors Diploma at graduation should make sure that they are on track to recieve one. A 3.5 GPA or above, 3 AP or Honors classes, 60 hours of community service and 4 years or math and science are required. Plan now to fulfill the requirements.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Semester report cards and transcripts should have arrived. We mailed them out late last week. For most seniors this is the next to the last report card they will receive. Also for seniors this is the report card and transcript that will be used for selection of valedictorians and salutatorians. Any senior student with a GPA 4.0 and over and having met all the requirements for the Honors Diploma will be a valedictorian. The salutatorian is the student with the next highest GPA having also met the Honors Diploma requirements. For juniors, sophomores and freshman students it will soon be time to select classes for next year. As we do that a reminder that if the Honors Diploma is a goal students must have met the following requirements; 3.5 GPA or above, 26 credits (4 math, 4 science), passed all state tests (math, science, reading and writing) and 60 hours of community service. It is not too early to start thinking about what classes to take next year although the curriculum guide won't be distributed until the end of the month.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Semester report cards should be arriving at homes this week. I recognize that they are late being mailed out. This is because we have had an issue with the grade reporting system we use. When we inspected some report cards, transcripts and class ranking we noted that they did not all match. We must have GPA on report cards and transcripts, and class ranking match. we are working on this issue and should have it resolved early in the week.