Monday, December 17, 2012

The tragedy that took place in Newtown Connecticut last Friday is the unthinkable for schools and communities.  These acts of of violence are happening too often given the fact that they should not happen, ever.  When these violent acts occur it can foster feelings of helplessness in terms of preventing them from taking place.  While no school can insure immunity from violence it is comforting to know that close personal relationships can provide a network where people feel supported and secure and where those who need help in any way, can get it.  We will continue to provide our students and staff the very best that we can to make them feel safe, secure and supported here at school.  Our hearts go out to the families and the community of Newtown Connecticut.....

I wish you the very best during this upcoming Holiday break. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thank you to all parents who have completed the online or paper versions of the parent survey.  We will keep this survey open until Friday December 21st, for those of you who have not completed it.  We have also utilized a student online survey to get feedback from our students.  Both surveys are produced by AdvanceEd, the company that we are working with for our required accrediation this year.  Our staff completed a similar survey during the November 29th inservice day.  In January we will look at all of the results as we focus on defining school improvement goals for the remainder of this school year and next. 

Our boys and girls basketball teams will be traveling to Portland on Tuesday December 11th to play in the Rose Garden, the venue that the Portland Trailblazers use for their games.  It is a special arrangement that has allowed them to play their scheduled game against Estacada in the Rose Garden.  The girls game tips-off at 5:30 PM and the boys game tips at 7:00 PM.  Tickets to this game also entitle you to attend the January 19th Trailblazer game against the Milwaukee Bucks, a great deal see you at the game!

The parent advisory committee met on Thursday December 6th to review proposals for revising or creating policies in the following areas; High School Classes/Courses for 8th Graders, Honors Diploma, Valedictorian/Salutatorian and Grade Point Averages (GPA) and Weighted Grade Point Averages (WGPA).  We will meet again on Monday January 7th at 3:30 PM in the Library.  Please know that you are welcome to attend this meeting if you are interested.  Also know that these policies will need Board approval prior to any implementation and that the earliest implementation would be for the 2013-14 school year. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It will be a busy three weeks before the Holiday break.  Sporting events a music concert (17th), Santa's breakfast (8th) and food drives are all ahead of us in the weeks to come.

In all of this, I would like to ask parents assistance in one particular area.  We are conducting a parent survey.  The survey will be emailed home to parents who have provided email addresses.  It is an online survey and when it comes to your email address, please consider completing it.  It should take 15-20 minutes to complete.  If you do not receive it by email or if you do not have any Internet access please contact the school.  We will be glad to add your email address and send it to you or mail you a copy of the survey.  The survey is an important part of our Accreditation process that we are undergoing this year.  Results of this survey will help us in selecting school improvement goals.